And that’s a wrap on 2024! What a year it was!
We celebrated our 10th Birthday & introduced our Naturals Range while continuing to release the raddest & most sustainable undies on the planet!
Let’s take a look back on what 2024 gave us….
1. January - Dragon On
We kicked off the year with a celebration of the Lunar New Year! We created an oriental inspired masterpiece to bring you luck and fortune! In traditional Chinese culture, the dragon is a symbol of strength, power and good luck, while purple and yellow represent wisdom, royalty and luxury.
2. February - Hawaii UF D'OH
Aloha! Hold onto your foil hats! Our February design was a festival in your pants, with swell sunsets, sci-fi surfers and sugar-coated sweets.
3. March - Gnomeo Gnomeo
March saw the introduction of our Naturals Range. Made from sustainably sourced TENCEL™ Modal wood fibres, it’s softer than bamboo & twice as soft as cotton. We kicked off our Naturals Range with Gnomeo Gnomeo.
They’re hanging with their Gnomies in your garden bed. Drinking beers with garden shears and raiding tools within your shed. While you’re at home, they never roam, but when you’re out, they sing and shout “working in the garden is much more fun when you have some Knobby’s on your bum!”
4. April - Feline Frisky
No needles. No pain. Just a whole lot of pleasure! In April we released these big cats! Crafted by the legendary Robert Goblin, it's the perfect mix of fierce and fun.
5. May - Frooty Booty
May brought us a bright and bold vitamin hit. This design is packed full of flavour and is a a juicy concoction that pops!
6. June - El Scorpio
We got dark & sexy in June. Chains & thorns packed with a sting! Designed by badass artist Dale Bigeni, this design is your go-to for serious style and unbeatable confidence.
7. July - I-Don't-Think Theysaurus
Is that a Stegosaurus in your pants or are you just happy to see me? July saw us put a prehistoric twist on camouflage. We hid 4 dinosaurs in this one. Can you spot them?
8. August - Diamond Beach
Iceland’s Diamond Beach came to life in August through the lens of Aussie photography duo, Salty Wings. This aerial image captures the mysterious, moody beauty of the black sand beach, where shimmering icebergs meet the North Atlantic.
9. September - Hex Appeal
In September we got hexy with a hint of glow in the dark action. Set in a desolate battlefield of bones and skulls, two skeletal wizards locked in an eternal duel unleash arcane magic beneath the gaze of a towering demon overlord.
10. October - Plunder Down Under
We battened down the hatches in October with another ripper from Robert Goblin! A rowdy crew of sea rogues, led by a salty kraken, drifts through the waves, pilfering and plundering treasure from unsuspecting pirate ships. Once down under, the spoils are divvied up, because the best loot is shared loot!
11. November - Chick Chick Boom
12. December - Simply Ze Best
Thanks for another epic year Knobby Nation!
We couldn't do it without you!. Let's keep the good times rolling! Here's to 2025!