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The Women of Knobby

Article by Bailey Walker - 02/03/2023

The Women of Knobby
The Women of Knobby

As a company dominated by women, we're recognising their achievements and showing off their brilliance, every single day.

We wanted to hear from some of our own legendary ladies about what International Women's Day means to them as well as their own experiences in life - both personally and professionally!


What does International Women's Day mean to you? To me it's about re-igniting the conversation and awareness of women in the workplace and to strive for equality, not superiority.

Who are some of the most inspiring women in your life, and why? This one has changed for me over the last year or so. It’s now women who take things on even when they are scared. This has become apparent through the women I have met through motorbiking. When I get scared I tend to back off but these women just launch themselves into it; I’m so inspired. 

What is your go-to power outfit when you need to feel confident at work? Skinny black jeans, Vans hi-tops, a bright top and jacket, and possibly some colourful earrings.

How does working at Knobby make you feel as a woman? I just feel like me, and like I can be myself!


What does International Women's Day mean to you? Raise awareness of the inequality and injustice towards women. We are still are considered second class citizens in many countries and this is reflected in beliefs, attitudes, lifestyles and wages.

What is the best piece of advice you've ever received from a female coworker or mentor? Don't try to be everything to everybody. Focus on the important things in your life, including yourself and the rest will take care of itself.

How does working at Knobby make you feel as a woman? I’m happy that Knobby treat all workers equally and are respectful and tolerant to woman’s needs. 

What advice would you give to your younger self or a young girl starting out on her journey in life - both personally and professionally? Follow your dreams, rather than the expectations of others. Travel before you lock yourself into work life and don't feel you're less of a person for not getting married or having a family. Believe in yourself and your abilities.


What does International Women's Day mean to you? To me it means celebrating all the incredible women in my life. 

Who are some of the most inspiring women in your life, and why? Probably my mum; she is a force! She really goes the extra mile for our family. She also has a really strong group of friends who she supports regularly.

What advice would you give to other women who are just starting out in their careers? Try to find a company that supports professional development, has great resources for further learning and keeps you up with your industry and connects you with people within your industry. It's a really important tool to ensure you are progressing in your career. 

How do you maintain work-life balance, and what challenges have you faced in this regard? Knobby has a really great understanding of work-life balance. I started working here after being on maternity leave for 18 months and it was a really great way to ease back into the work life with a lot of adjustments. Now it works pretty seamlessly. 


What does International Women's Day mean to you? As a mum with a young daughter IWD is an opportunity to smash through glass ceilings and deconstruct the notion of gender in the workplace. My hope is that the acknowledgement we make today is going to create a future where my grown up daughter can apply for a job and her gender will not be a consideration. 

How does working at Knobby make you feel as a woman? Working at Knobby gives me a great sense of autonomy and feeling of value, from the top I feel heard and empowered, gender is a non-issue at Knobby. How it should be.

What is your favourite work-related accomplishment, and why are you proud of it? Starting my own business in 2014, raising capital and selling it was a huge career moment. Especially as there is still a huge disproportion of female founded companies getting funding versus male founded businesses.

If you could switch jobs with any fictional female character for a day, who would it be and why? Nymphadora Tonks from Harry Potter. She works as an Auror in the Ministry of Magic and is a metamorphmagus, which means that she can change her appearance at will.


What does International Women's Day mean to you? Ladies to the front! Celebrating and recognising kick ass ladies from all walks and stages of life who deserve to be honoured for their often unrecognised contributions, big and small. 

How do you maintain work-life balance, and what challenges have you faced in this regard? I am incredibly fortunate that Knobby is so flexible with the way we work, and has allowed me to work a 4 day week, which I cannot recommend more! Our industry can be rife with high stress, overwork and under appreciation and I am incredibly thankful to have found a workplace that puts such a high importance on work-life balance and actively promotes this!

What advice would you give to other women who are just starting out in their careers? Don’t underestimate yourself, and don’t be afraid to speak up!

If you could switch jobs with any fictional female character for a day, who would it be and why? Probably Hello Kitty. Cats have the best life!


What does International Women's Day mean to you? As Kool & The Gang once said 'Oh yes it's ladies night and the feeling's right. Oh yes it's ladies night, oh what a night, oh what a night!’. So that - but 24/7 every day of the week!

How do you maintain work-life balance, and what challenges have you faced in this regard? When I am away from work I am on the mats doing Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (usually the only girl there). When people hear that, they generally don’t challenge me...

What is your go-to power outfit when you need to feel confident at work? Shoulder pads are generally frowned upon by today's crowd, so you can find me in my standard black bike shorts & a vintage tee! 

How does working at Knobby make you feel as a woman? Super inspired that I can be successful in any role in a business! We have women in every department here that do a kick ass job!